Monday, April 7, 2008

hey can you..i mean i know you like..well uh..

When people can't spit out a sentence. Now of course we all have days when our brain isn't functioning quite well enough to articulate a well-thought out sentence but my peeve is directed at the folks who can't (no matter what) just SPIT IT OUT. They are constantly interrupting themselves to interject more info into their question and/or story but if they don't say the first part then you are totally lost. It goes something like this:

"hey, I was wondering, because I know you like cats, because I saw you had that poster of a cat once and I had talked to Jane about this, and she ..well you know how she has a cat...Do you ever, I mean , well I know I do, And when I talked to Jane she said the same thing and...BLAH BLAH BLAH."

please guys, just ask the question then elaborate on the details. It's just better that way.

That is all.

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