Monday, April 7, 2008

Not so much a peeve

but more like an instance in my life where death seems like a much better option....

When you CLEARLY do not want to read in class but the teacher singles you out anyways and asks, "Kerry, would you mind reading this part/the poem/the part of Desdemona?" As if you have the option to say, "No, I'd rather not because when I read in front of the class it's good for the first 15 seconds and then I start to lose my breath, start hyperventilating, and sound like I am about to break out into either a fit of laughter or a non-stop five year old sob fest."

This happened today while reading some lame ass poem by some lame ass poet. Someone buy me a drink.

Also, I am selling all my valuable possessions. Oh, and let me know if you want in on my will.

1 comment:

Sar Sar said...

oh man, no joke. It doesn't matter how old I get I never will get used to reading in front of a large group. My face gets all hot and I forget to breathe.
