Monday, April 21, 2008
. . . .
I don't like the bristles on my toothbrush to touch anything but my teeth. Ever. I find it very disturbing when I come into the bathroom in the morning and my toothbrush is laying on its side with the bristles touching the counter-top. Probably just a me thing. ; )
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Hidden Garbage . . . WHY?
I hate it when I'm walking the floor at Sears and I find someone's half-empty Starbucks or Orange Julius or whatever stuck behind a display of ratchets or Craftsman hats or wherever else they could find to put it. Why do people hide their garbage in department stores?? Why not just walk to a cashier or the bathroom or any employee anywhere and ask if they'll throw it away??? People are weird.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Craigslist Peeve of the Day:
Since Jess and I had a bad Craigslist experience yesterday (We said "BJs for Coke?" and then all the sudden we met the two gents and they want us to give the blow jobs in return for cocaine. All we wanted was some good greasy BJs food and some Coca Colas...That's my Jerry Seinfeld joke for the day.) peeve: People who use the "Missed Connections" section of Craigslist to write poetry to their lovers, settle fights with their dogs or beg forgiveness or attention from their cheating husbands. God damn it people it's "MISSED Connections" not "Say the things to the one you love via internet while they sit on the couch watching Jeopardy."
Fin. peeve: People who use the "Missed Connections" section of Craigslist to write poetry to their lovers, settle fights with their dogs or beg forgiveness or attention from their cheating husbands. God damn it people it's "MISSED Connections" not "Say the things to the one you love via internet while they sit on the couch watching Jeopardy."
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
On a Similar Note . . .
When people try in vain to sing a song they don't really know the lyrics to by singing every third or fourth word until they get to the chorus at which point they belt it out like there's no tomorrow. Look, if you love the song, learn the words and sing away, but don't half mumble, half stumble through it out loud, if all you know is the chorus, then wait for it! Hmph!
Monday, April 7, 2008
hey can you..i mean i know you like..well uh..
When people can't spit out a sentence. Now of course we all have days when our brain isn't functioning quite well enough to articulate a well-thought out sentence but my peeve is directed at the folks who can't (no matter what) just SPIT IT OUT. They are constantly interrupting themselves to interject more info into their question and/or story but if they don't say the first part then you are totally lost. It goes something like this:
"hey, I was wondering, because I know you like cats, because I saw you had that poster of a cat once and I had talked to Jane about this, and she ..well you know how she has a cat...Do you ever, I mean , well I know I do, And when I talked to Jane she said the same thing and...BLAH BLAH BLAH."
please guys, just ask the question then elaborate on the details. It's just better that way.
That is all.
When people can't spit out a sentence. Now of course we all have days when our brain isn't functioning quite well enough to articulate a well-thought out sentence but my peeve is directed at the folks who can't (no matter what) just SPIT IT OUT. They are constantly interrupting themselves to interject more info into their question and/or story but if they don't say the first part then you are totally lost. It goes something like this:
"hey, I was wondering, because I know you like cats, because I saw you had that poster of a cat once and I had talked to Jane about this, and she ..well you know how she has a cat...Do you ever, I mean , well I know I do, And when I talked to Jane she said the same thing and...BLAH BLAH BLAH."
please guys, just ask the question then elaborate on the details. It's just better that way.
That is all.
Not so much a peeve
but more like an instance in my life where death seems like a much better option....
When you CLEARLY do not want to read in class but the teacher singles you out anyways and asks, "Kerry, would you mind reading this part/the poem/the part of Desdemona?" As if you have the option to say, "No, I'd rather not because when I read in front of the class it's good for the first 15 seconds and then I start to lose my breath, start hyperventilating, and sound like I am about to break out into either a fit of laughter or a non-stop five year old sob fest."
This happened today while reading some lame ass poem by some lame ass poet. Someone buy me a drink.
Also, I am selling all my valuable possessions. Oh, and let me know if you want in on my will.
When you CLEARLY do not want to read in class but the teacher singles you out anyways and asks, "Kerry, would you mind reading this part/the poem/the part of Desdemona?" As if you have the option to say, "No, I'd rather not because when I read in front of the class it's good for the first 15 seconds and then I start to lose my breath, start hyperventilating, and sound like I am about to break out into either a fit of laughter or a non-stop five year old sob fest."
This happened today while reading some lame ass poem by some lame ass poet. Someone buy me a drink.
Also, I am selling all my valuable possessions. Oh, and let me know if you want in on my will.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
This one is a little tricky to explain but it makes me nuts. The PA system where I work has a three second delay so that whenever you say something over it you have to be careful to focus on talking and not listen to yourself or it gets all garbled up and the entire store gets to hear you sound like a jackass. It happens regularly and not just to me. Awesome.
RRRRReeeeeeaaaaarrrRRRRRRRRRR*beep Beeep* RRR
Peeve of the day:
The awful sound the fax machine makes at work. Like a screaming baby..with an ear infection...holding a megaphone, but minus any cuteness. Sheesh.
The awful sound the fax machine makes at work. Like a screaming baby..with an ear infection...holding a megaphone, but minus any cuteness. Sheesh.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
So I flew to Salt Lake City for a few days this past week to visit my friend, Jules. For the past few years I've mostly flown with Alaska/Horizon because they have the cheapest fares between Medford and Boise. But this time I flew Southwest. Now I don't know if you're familiar with Southwest's boarding procedure, but basically you get in group A, B or C and then assigned a number. When they start boarding, all the A's go first and try to line up according to their numbers. It ends up being more like a mass of mean cattle pushing and shoving towards the slaughter. Why can't they just assign seats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, that is all.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Applying for a job...
Ok, you would think this would be common sense, but apparently not. If you are looking for work and your email address resembles your lifestyle more than your name, maybe you should get an email address separate from your personal one that is just for your résumé. As an HR person, myself, it doesn't bode well to have an email address on your resume like or Some of my co-workers and I are going to start a list of these straight-to-the-trash gems, because the list is long, hilarious and deserves publishing.
ok, let me just say this. I am a pretty speedy walker. I don't drag my feet or bird watch when I'm walking. I just keep pumping those feet till I get where I'm going. Here's where the peeve comes in. When someone is walking directly behind you, I mean riiiight behind you, step for step. They are basically spooning you. So my move is to stop, pretend I need to get my cellphone or chapstick out of my purse so they can go around me. when I do this 9 times out of 10 they walk WAAAY slower than me and I am forced to walk behind them and do the awkward slower-than-your-used-to-walking walk because I refuse to be the creeper that they are.
Perhaps they are just trying to smell my hair when they walk so close...yeah, that's probably it.
Perhaps they are just trying to smell my hair when they walk so close...yeah, that's probably it.
Work Rant...
Ok this one might sound bad but anyone in the serving industry will agree with me. If you do not have the money to tip, then you do not have the money to go out. If you want to get drunk but don't have tip money, go to 711 and buy a six pack and drink at home. If you want to eat out but don't have tip money stop by Taco Bell. If your service is bad then, yes, downgrade the tip. But if you just don't have the money please don't insult the wait staff by leaving change or anything less than what they deserve for waiting on you and creating the atmosphere you came out for, and just stay home. The end. Also, don't be a dick to your server. If you've never heard the phrase, "don't bite the hand that feeds you," please watch the movie Waiting.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
A 12AM Rant

Okay. So. Public transportation is never fun. Well, sometimes it is. But rarely do I wake up for class and get excited about sitting next to complete strangers who jab me with their greasy elbows while I try to frantically finish 150+ pages of a book I have a test on in 10 minutes.
But what REALLY peeves me about public transportation are those white trash Chicano-wannabes with their little crack babies. They talk on their god damn cell phones or to a friend sitting next to them like they are trying to communicate with their 98% deaf grandma who lives on the moon (bad reception on the moon btdubs) meanwhile their baby is crying up a storm and begging to be thrown a god damn nipple already.
If I thought I'd be a better mother I would probably steal the babies..but I am pretty sure I would be just as neglectful. But here's the difference...I didn't get knocked up.
After reading Hank's post, I remembered my confusion about vitamin waters. Ummm, call me crazy, but I thought that when water has flavor and comes in a variety of colors that it automatically becomes classified as juice. So why do they insist on calling these cherry flavored, red beverages "waters????"
"Sunny D"
Sunny Delight bothers me. Why would someone choose drinking Sunny Delight over real Orange Juice? You all make me sick...

Florida Style!?! WFT?
Florida Style!?! WFT?
while we're on the subject...
Ok, this is along the same lines as Jess's "peeve" about bad whistlers. Same sitch: a bunch of creeps who don't know the words to a popular song so they hum or whistle (or sip water) to mask their lack of knowledge to, say, Whitney Houston lyrics. Then the chorus kicks in and one idiot yells out, as loud as they can, " IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WIIIIILLLLLL ALLLLWAYS LOOOOOOVE YOOOOOOOU!!!" Then they do the nonchalant mumble back into humming.
Look, no one is impressed that you saw the trailer for Bodyguard and memorized the chorus, don't belt out the 3 words of the song that you actually know. You look silly.
Look, no one is impressed that you saw the trailer for Bodyguard and memorized the chorus, don't belt out the 3 words of the song that you actually know. You look silly.
Monday, March 24, 2008
"Get's my Goat."
You're at work and listening to the radio. It's one of those songs everyone likes, but no one really knows all the words to... a Paul Simon song makes a good example. Everyone whistles along. But then there's that one fucking person who sounds like they just learned how to whistle, at that very moment that Paul Simon song came on. It's louder than everyone else's and just the same fucking note over and over again.
"Off-key whistlers."
Until today I was afraid to tell anyone this "peeve" because I always secretly thought I might be one of them.
Nic has confirmed that "I'm pretty good at whistling along to a song."
"Off-key whistlers."
Until today I was afraid to tell anyone this "peeve" because I always secretly thought I might be one of them.
Nic has confirmed that "I'm pretty good at whistling along to a song."
I hate it when I get a paper cut on my fingertip, then forget about it when I go to wash my hair. Inevitably, one strand of hair ends up sliding through the slice in my finger then I have to actually pull it out! Just thinking about it makes my stomach turn.
I also can't stand it when I walk into the kitchen in my socks and step in some kind of mystery puddle. Is it water??? Why didn't whoever is responsible clean it up??? Gross.
I also can't stand it when I walk into the kitchen in my socks and step in some kind of mystery puddle. Is it water??? Why didn't whoever is responsible clean it up??? Gross.
Hardly Working: Pet Peeves
This is from one of my favorite internet video sites: College Humor
Peeve of the day: When hangers at a store or in your closet get stuck together. It's like the world will implode if you can't untangle them and the frustration is unbelievable for such a small mishap.
See more funny videos at CollegeHumor
Peeve of the day: When hangers at a store or in your closet get stuck together. It's like the world will implode if you can't untangle them and the frustration is unbelievable for such a small mishap.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Let's get this party started...
1. When you are eating a sandwich wrapped in a paper towel and you accidentally bit down on the paper towel. ..that feeling of the dry cotton between your teeth is enough to terminate life.
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