Thursday, March 27, 2008


ok, let me just say this. I am a pretty speedy walker. I don't drag my feet or bird watch when I'm walking. I just keep pumping those feet till I get where I'm going. Here's where the peeve comes in. When someone is walking directly behind you, I mean riiiight behind you, step for step. They are basically spooning you. So my move is to stop, pretend I need to get my cellphone or chapstick out of my purse so they can go around me. when I do this 9 times out of 10 they walk WAAAY slower than me and I am forced to walk behind them and do the awkward slower-than-your-used-to-walking walk because I refuse to be the creeper that they are.

Perhaps they are just trying to smell my hair when they walk so close...yeah, that's probably it.

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