Thursday, March 27, 2008

Work Rant...

Ok this one might sound bad but anyone in the serving industry will agree with me. If you do not have the money to tip, then you do not have the money to go out. If you want to get drunk but don't have tip money, go to 711 and buy a six pack and drink at home. If you want to eat out but don't have tip money stop by Taco Bell. If your service is bad then, yes, downgrade the tip. But if you just don't have the money please don't insult the wait staff by leaving change or anything less than what they deserve for waiting on you and creating the atmosphere you came out for, and just stay home. The end. Also, don't be a dick to your server. If you've never heard the phrase, "don't bite the hand that feeds you," please watch the movie Waiting.

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